Dear users,
For DC SWISS, technology means dealing daily with new production possibilities and advances from a wide range of industries and providing you with the best possible solution for your application. This principle contributes to today's product portfolio: several thousand threading tools for machining different thread sizes and materials. Nevertheless, you may not always find the perfect threading tool - please contact us if you...
...require a little more oversize on the tap, in case your component gets a new coating
...want a shorter tool shank for the thread former because the space conditions on the machining centre do not allow it
...want to use the thread milling cutter for drilling and deburring in order to save time during tool change
...need improved tool life on the thread whirler, since you now produce automatically overnight
It is a pleasure for us to solve with you your individual challenge. You will be provided with the tailor-made tool to manufacture the product economically. For us, this in turn means that we can develop and advance thread technology.